Relationships are what keeps us feeling alive no matter how content we are with our solitude. Even the introverts love having a partner! But as good as they sound, relationships are delicate and need the utmost care. We make sacrifices, adjustments and compromises for every other relationships in our lives, but when it comes to a romantic union such as marriage, we are very impatient and snap at the slightest provocation.
Here are the 5 things you need to lose for a happily ever after
1. Past Romantic relationships

This is the first and the most heaviest baggage you need throw out. These relationships were never meant to be and that is the reason why they are in the past and not with you in the present. The biggest mistake many of us do is, commit to a new relationship before we get over our past. And once trouble crops up with the new partner we go visiting the past immediately. You have to let go of your past to build a better future.
Also read: 6 tips if you are in a newly started relationship
2. Your Ego

Ego has to go because it is a mask used to hide our flaws and insecurities. Many people confuse ego with self-esteem. Ego is a negative emotion that will do anything to defend you, even if it means breaking the other person, whereas your self-esteem is built on your positive values, beliefs and self confidence. Ego makes you insecure in a relationship and leads to fear, anger and jealousy towards your significant other.
3. Insecurities

Let go of all your insecurities, be it financial insecurity, emotional insecurity or any other, because insecurities are a deal breaker. Your insecurities pave way for clinginess, neediness and eventually a low self esteem which is a very ugly feature. When you are not secure about yourself how can you expect your partner to feel secure with you? In the past it was – partners “complete” each other, but now we know that for a healthy relationship partners need to “complement” each other.
Also read: 5 psychological reasons why nice guys don’t always get the girl
4. Expectations

“Expectation is the root of all heartache”- Shakespeare.
The guy expects the girl to cuddle him like his mommy, the girl expects the guy to pamper her like her daddy, and doesn’t this sound a little too much? We are not saints we have our desires and it doesn’t hurt to have expectations as long as they make sense. You can expect your partner to love you, care for you and to make you smile but that doesn’t mean he/she has to be the one to make all your dreams come true.
Also read: 5 mistakes couples make in a relationship
5. Resistance to change

When you turn over to a new chapter in life change is obvious. Even if you are getting hitched to your childhood sweetheart, drastic and unexpected changes are bound to happen in your life. Some of these changes may seem overwhelming and suffocating. Instead of reacting and resisting to change figure out a way to slowly embrace the change without getting distressed.
It takes a lot of effort to make a marriage work, but if you really love someone and are eager to be a part of their world, then the sacrifices and compromises will feel like a piece of cake.