If you are a girl and you crossed 25 or a boy who crossed 30 years of age, you are going to go crazy listening to your parents insisting on “finding the right proposal for marriage”. Well almost all parents do this. And many surrender to their parents’ wishes to look for a match because as they say, it will take time to find the right boy or girl (and they make you think it might take a year or two). The moment you say “Yes” because you don’t want to be pestered everyday by your parents, you are actually hanging a sword on your own head! You are bombarded with proposals everyday for marriage. Try and say no to every proposal! In no time you are again asked to choose one of those your parent’s shortlist and you are tied down as soon as possible. And the best part is it happens within days. Yes, this is what happens. So, before you say “yes” to look at marriage proposals, know that it is okay to say “no”.
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9 Reasons Why It’s Okay to Say “No Mom I Don’t Want to Marry Now!”’
1. Why Tie Down a Free Bird?

Tell them that, you love your independence and the ability to do whatever you do whenever you want. Once you get married you have to consult or atleast inform the spouse of all your decisions. Don’t marry now, wait till you are ready to do that.
2. You Have Yet to Visit Your Dream Destination Solo

Your dream destination, you had dreamed about lounging by the beach or hiking on the mountains solo, or may be with your best friend. A husband/ wife wasn’t even part of the dream at the time you had planned it all out! Better to live out your dream first. Don’t marry so soon!
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3. You Love your Round Up with Your friends

Every Friday night you love to gather your gang and have a blast. That would be history once you get married. Take my word for it! Why sacrifice that so soon. There’s no harm in getting married after a few more years and a few more round ups with friends. Isn’t it Dad! Don’t marry now now for all the fun’s sake!
4. You Want to Save some Money before taking up responsibilities

You have started working since the last few years and you want to have a certain amount of financial security in the form of savings before you are married and loaded with responsibilities. Don’t marry in a haste. Save up first. So, say no to marriage for a few more years, would you?
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5. You Love That You are your own Boss at Home

The stark reality which even your parents realize but wouldn’t admit.. you cannot be the sole owner but a partner at home. You have to share the TV remote and make do with your desktop sometimes when you would have loved to watch the game in your big screen (don’t you get it dad? )or may be your favourite lifestyle channel (are you listening mom?) has to be missed because of a cricket match going on live! So, just don’t marry now!
6. You can Watch the Movies You Love

Before marriage, you are out to for a movie and you watch the one you love. After marriage, you are out for a movie and you watch the movie your spouse loves. A few more years of My Choice of movies please Mom and Dad. I don’t want to marry now!
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7. You Love To sleep on Sundays and Do Nothing Else

Weekends are for sleeping, isn’t it? Catching up on the weeks disrupted sleep schedule. And I am not ready to sacrifice that so soon Mom. Even Sunday would feel like a working day! Don’t marry now or be ready to be a zombie everyday (you are going to miss your sleep Sundays for sure! Mom won’t understand that!).
8. You Have a Lot of Hobbies to Catch Up on

You wanted to learn the guitar or may be learn French but you never got the time because you were always wound up with your studies. Now that you are working and can spare a little bit of time for yourself, you would love to catch up on those hobbies, do something for yourself. Just don’t marry now.
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9. You Have Yet to Find the Perfect One!

Isn’t it the most important reason? You haven’t found the person yet with whom you would love to spend your life, even sacrifice your Sunday sleep! (That would be the greatest sacrifice you would do for someone and that would be only for the most special person on earth). Tell Mom and Dad you are not old and you can wait a little longer to find the right person. Don’t marry now. Say “No Mom I don’t want to marry now!”
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