Commitment is huge craze. We all have feared this place once in our lifetime. It can be related to relationships or business deals or life altering transformative decisions. But why do we fear it if something top-notch result can come out if it? Why don’t you want to be whole-heartedly committed to one person? Why don’t you want to shake hands for first-class business partnership with a huge firm? Let us be your therapists and enlighten you why do you fear it.
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These are some unnerving reasons as to why do you have fear of commitment
1. Time Speculation

You strongly believe investing time in something or someone where there’s some fruitful result. Something which will make you think ‘I made the right decision about this.’ So, when you are even 1% unsure about the ‘whole package’ you just back out. You tend to look for safer options, you non-risk taking creature.
2. Waiting Is Fruitful

You are an unbelievable patient person when it comes to making decision. You have a very strict screening process for everything even if it’s a person. You believe if you WAIT, you’ll have a better opportunity in the future. Hence, you don’t commit to anything at the spur of moment. You are always looking for an upgrade. ‘Something better’ will come along is your motto.
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3. Past Experience

We have all had our share of worthless imperfect past experiences. People always say ‘Learn from your mistakes’ and you should BUT losing an opportunity every time is just going to hold you back. Don’t dwell in your past. Only because one decision about your life was wrong doesn’t mean your future should suffer. Don’t become an uptight person. Letting go and moving forward should be your new mantra.
4. Trust Issues

Worst fear of a human – To not being able to trust anything or anyone around you. You just feel if you let your guard down, you’ll become powerless and people will use you. Well, it’s not ALWAYS like that. You need to become a little vulnerable and pick up your battles. How will you learn if you are not making mistakes? How will you succeed if you don’t grab on those amazing opportunities? Be careful but you’ll feel content that you did your part.
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5. Feeling Hurt

When you lose your beloved or have unsuccessful business ventures or you just fail at something. You were hurt and you hated that feeling. It made you sick to your stomach and you just never wanted to feel that way again. So what do you do? Stay away from life. You shut yourself out. You need to realise that it taught you something. That particular mistake made you stronger than before even though you played the joker before!
6. Busy Schedule

You let one area of your life suffer because of you are too invested in the other area. If you are a career oriented person, you are scared of being in a relationship and if you are in a committed relationship, you tend to make your career suffer because of that. You need to balance everything and compartmentalize your life. That’s what a smart person would do. You have a calendar. Right? Use it and schedule everything in your life. For instance, go for your meeting and then later go on a date. Make life smooth and efficient.
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Commitment still is a gigantic issue for everyone. Some will cope up with and some will not. Commitment is basically an excuse to put your life on hold. Overcoming it is the best gift you can give yourself. Do you really need to be scared of that place in your life? If Chandler could do it, you can overpower it too!
Tell us in the comment section below why you fear commitment and how to defeat it.
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