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5 Thanatophobia Facts : Overcome Fear Of Losing Someone You Love

Thanatophobia: Fear of losing someone you love is very depressing and you are in no position to express your feeling to...
Mine is Bigger Than Yours | Why is This Argument Necessary?

Mine is Bigger Than Yours | Why is This Argument Necessary?

Comparison, It’s a demon that none of us have managed to escape since time eternal. Even as the first cavemen sat down...
Borderline Personality disorder : Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Borderline Personality disorder: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Borderline Personality Disorder also know as BPD, emotional dysregulation disorder is a mental disorder with symptoms including emotional instability, suicidal behavior etc. The...
Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

To put it in simple words anxiety means a feeling of worry, nervousness or uneasiness about something. It is basically fear...

What is the Broca’s Area and Wernicke’s Areas

It is unbelievable knowing each region of the brain and for what function each of the function. The brain is such...
Benefits of Nature, How Nature Can Help You Reduce Stress

3 Benefits of Nature | How Nature Can Help You Reduce Stress

Being able to explore peace in nature is a simple way and one of the Benefits of Nature, it depends on people's...
What is Depression, Depression symptoms

What Is Depression? Depression Symptoms, Types, Causes, and Treatments

Mental health has now become the talk of the town. Initially, no one would step forward even to talk about it...
What is so special about people who Prefer and love their own company

What is so special about people who Prefer and love their own company

Solitude or whatever you may call it is not everyone’s cup of tea. While some call it a get away from their...
According to Experts Intelligent People have these 5 Bad Habits In Common

According to Experts Intelligent People have these 5 Bad Habits In Common

Have you ever been chided for your bad habits? Have your elders ever scolded you for cleaning your room? Do strangers...
8 Hilarious Comics That Every Girl Will Relate To

8 Hilarious Comics That Every Girl Will Relate To

All girls are certainly unique and different and all of them have a different lifestyle and face a wide range of...
friends for life

9 Friendship facts, Why school friends are friends for life ?

Get back your school memories, the best part of our lives. We had the greatest company, our school friends. We did...

5 Psychological Ways To Cheer Your Girl Up When She’s Down

Everyone wants to stay happy in a relationship. No relationship is complete without up's and down's, you have to make her...
What is Sleepwalking (Somnambulist)? Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

What is Sleepwalking (Somnambulism)? Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

What Is Sleepwalking? Sleepwalking is a situation where one cannot make a distinction over reality. Let's find out what actually is sleepwalking....
Amazing Qualities of Women That Men Can’t Resist

Amazing Qualities of Women That Men Can’t Resist

Preferences are different everywhere, but also there are some of the qualities of women that men notice unconsciously. The research has...
5 Psychological Facts About Dreams

5 Psychological Facts about Dreams You should Be Aware Of

Psychological Facts about dreams are the most mysterious and interesting experience that can happen in our lives The dream is still one...

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